Relationship abuse Trauma Therapy in San Antonio, TX.

A clear unconditional alliance from with in will never sway you away from feeling sane again.

For individuals seeking a lighthouse in the storm!

Does it feel like life with your partner is incredibly good… sometimes… but when things go bad it is really bad?

They are the love of your life, the fairytale dream you have ever imagined. Things are perfect when the mood is good. But when it turns bad, it always feels like everything is your fault despite your efforts to smooth things out or prevent upsetness. You may often think “No matter how hard I try, I am not good enough” or “Am I going Crazy or out of my mind”. Because when everything calms down, the fairytale dream begins again.. LIKE, NOTHING, HAPPENED.

You now anxiously wait for them to come home from work, and when they do you check their tone of voice, body language, expressions vigilantly to see if they are in a good mood. You have prepared a set of “make sure’s” and “don’t do’s” on your list of daily routines, just to prevent pet peeves from exciting their arrival. You don’t really get to do very much for yourself anymore because your partner's plans are the main dish even when they listen to your suggestions sometimes… but never honor a single one. Perhaps, you feel like you are losing yourself, little by little, not sure why, but nothing about you feels the same as before. You find it difficult to hangout with your inner circle of support, even family. Being mindful that it may cause extra unwanted tension in your relationship. When you do bring them around, they notice something off about you and your partner.  Did they confront you about something related to your partner that you weren’t privy to hear? As you try and maintain some level of togetherness, your insides and your whole world crumples.  You deny, avoid, or sabotage any connections further because embarrassment and humiliation anchors you in place. Is this you? If it is reach out…

You may choose to stay…Or, you may be ready to leave. Either way, Therapy can still help!

You may be feeling lost, confused, scared, or hurt right now ,but this is not it for you. Therapy provides much more than just discernment between whether you should leave or stay. It is a personal, supportive, and objective alliance as you hold the compass to navigate the muddy waters in your relationship. Imagine being able to tackle each emotional complexity your partner projects in a skillful way that does not interrupt your confidence, self-worth, and respect. 


Confidential, non-judgmental, and collaborative are the three most powerful coins that you can expect in our space together. Therapy is a proactive investment into your health & wellbeing, crafted with personalized, proven techniques, to help you start to feel relief. It is a space where humor, grit, and change intersect, leading the way to the introduction of  life skills focused in the areas of Mindfulness, Emotional Regulation, Distress Tolerance, and Interpersonal Effectiveness. You will become a Master of your own life, bringing a voice of empowerment and acceptance into your world like never before.


Therapy for Narcissistic Abuse can help you:

  • Identify what kind of abuse you are experiencing. 

  • Reconnect with your sound headspace.

  • Strengthen your decision-making abilities.

  • Prioritize your own health & wellness. 

  • Increase trust, confidence, and self-esteem.

You don’t have to live everyday with the burning & gut wrenching sensation of self-doubt and inadequacy. Together, let’s discover the powerful healing properties that are within you!

FRequently asked questions

  • Everyone comes to therapy with unique concerns requiring a personalized experience and approach. Part of the process is for you to determine how much therapy you need and how often you want to come. This is YOUR space and YOUR choice. Typically, my clients experience intentional change pretty quickly but many would say they love to keep therapy around for validation, clarification, and objectivity. All things that set us apart from friends and family.

  • I feel that you and I should be allowed to determine your treatment needs based upon your unique situation rather than an insurance company. I can best ensure your confidentiality, goals for therapy, and treatment plan when I am able to practice independent from insurance companies.

    One main reason why I do not partner with insurance companies is because they often require I share your diagnosis and treatment plan in order to receive payment. This information then becomes part of your permanent medical record which at times can have negative consequences related to employment or when you are seeking new medical or life insurance. I also prefer to be an out-of-network provider since insurance companies usually require therapists to follow approved treatment methods and often limit the number of sessions that a client can receive.

  • Yes, we offer a sliding scale to a limited number of clients to support individuals interested in working with our practice. Mental health and wellness is vital for everyone.

  • Research suggests that there is no clinical difference regarding the effectiveness of therapy when delivered in a different format. So grab your favorite blanket, a cup of something warm, and enjoy your self-care and enrichment time!

  • A form of payment that is accepted and commonly used by our clients is FSA/HSA cards. Though, we also accept most forms of payment outside of these options.. Your card is stored securely through HIPAA compliant software on your client file and payment is deducted on the same day of your appointment. We do honor a 24 hour cancellation policy in order to maintain the integrity & consistency of the schedule.

    Here are the following investment options in your health:



    $65 per 25-30 minute session


    $75 per 25-30 minute session

    Shooting for the Stars


    $130 per 45-50 minute session


    $150 per 45-50 minute session

    Meteor Showers


    $160 per 75-80 minute session


    $200 per 75-80 minute session